Technology is important to all modern business – even the more traditional businesses use technology.  Business technology is essential for more creative businesses like designers, architects, developers, and animators, and as such, there is a greater need for more bespoke technology.

Business technology for creative businesses

Here’s a list of essential technology creative businesses need close by in order the maximise productivity.

  • High-speed fibreoptic internet.  It’s essential that it’s not just the fastest but also the most reliable wireless broadband because any period of downtime impacts productivity and can lead to missed deadlines.
  • Cloud storage.  Content creation takes a lot of time, energy, and money.  Ensuring the safe storage of any content created is important to avoid that effort being wasted by losing it when a laptop crashes.
  • Video and sound studios.  A lot of video content is filmed on the fly as a more organic look becomes popular in an age of Zoom, webchats, and social media.  However, video studios and the ability to ensure good quality sound can be recorded is good for creative businesses looking for a mix of content creation.  Onsite video studios can reduce time and increase productivity if your shared office space has them available.
  • Green screen.  Video can be done anywhere in the world, but sometimes it’s better when the world comes to you.  A room with a full-width green screen and good quality light will give you a lot more flexibility.

Shared office spaces with onsite technology for creative businesses

If you’re a content creator or creative business looking for a workspace with everything you might need on-site – with no need to travel on a day-to-day basis – get in touch with Tannery Studios, take a look at our video studios, or take the virtual tour.